yang buat aku cemburu adalah passionate people. macam carine roitfeld, anthony kiedis, hedi slimane. aku rasa kalau 10 tahun lepas aku jumpa passion aku, mesti aku sudah jadi antara mereka yang berjaya dan separuh puas hati dengan hidup ini. malangnya aku terlalu banyak buang masa on trial and error. bila error, aku give up. and took me sometime to try out other stuff. 30 sudah dekat tapi aku masih goyang kaki mencuba sana sini.
dulu, aku bercita-cita mahu jadi veterinarian. and then a fashion designer. i ended up as a talentless graphic designer. i failed at seeding this passion in graphic design. sekarang pula, aku bercita-cita mahu live a hippie life in Bali. okay? tapi zaman sekarang pun, kau nak jadi hippie wajib ada duit.
have you seen this movie called The Guitar? i want that.
Isnin, Julai 12
Selasa, Julai 6
two cents plus two different things maybe equals to zip.zero.nada
as i get older (matang belum pasti), i think it's cool for guys to show their love publicly for their partners and also wouldn't mind wearing baju batik (jawa) to weddings. just my 2 cents.
on another note, am i just creating issues or it's not a halucination of me not feeling the love? he said "i know you love me." that's because i told him so. and what he told me too. so i know too. but still, something's missing. i can't feel it jadi itu pasal aku tanya sama ada dia rasakah this love i'm channeling?
on another note, am i just creating issues or it's not a halucination of me not feeling the love? he said "i know you love me." that's because i told him so. and what he told me too. so i know too. but still, something's missing. i can't feel it jadi itu pasal aku tanya sama ada dia rasakah this love i'm channeling?
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