Rabu, September 19

scary gum infection

yesterday, i skipped work. drove ridiculously to abah's clinic, somewhat 40mins from my place. had toothache for the past few days. when i arrived, nobody else was there except for abah & his nurse. i guess the business's quite slow in this fasting month. i indicated the toothache to him: atas bawah, belah kiri. he said i got cracked tooth. that's scary. macam reput ke? but he couldn't find anything on belah atas. then he said: "u need scaling." uh-oh. i hate that. because he'd then found out that i've been smoking histerically all these while. but somehow i've got a feeling that he knew; all 3 of us smokes. scaling was bad-ass sakit. hmmph. apparently, i have some gum infection: which is why my gums easily bleeds. infection. to me depicts: zombies, ulat sampah. self-note: do not miss the next dental check-up. anak dentist kena gigi lawa. so after scaling, he asked whether i needed an MC. acting like a very rajin daughter, i said: "tak tau la. kalau sempat ni, masuk ofis balik". haha. i didn't know they can just give u like a little letter on time off for the dentist. yeaaahhh. i wanted to ponteng the whole day. so, dengan malunya, i said: "i think i'll just take the day off". & i got the MC.

today, i'm in a 2-days QuarkExpress course. just out of boredom. & the version that we're currently using is from 1997/98. haha. undo boleh sekali je. ok. i'm off to class now!

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