remember the fliers i did for the katapult series (gvs:p)? it was a last minute job given to me mid february and i did one design with four different colours for each week. last friday, zaskat pm-ed me up saying to come to micro's launching party on saturday. he said: "raymond nak kenal dengan you." ya. raymond, si cina hot yang buat kami anak-anak gadis kota rasa macam geli-geli everytime tengok gerak-geri dia. i'm talking about geli-geli suka/gedik. since it was 4th april when zaskar messaged me that day, i thought it was just a prank. "april fool dah lepas laa, makcik oi!" alaa, aku perlu berhati-hati untuk mengelakkan unsur-unsur perasan sendiri. then he explained: "he saw the fliers you did for katapult and he likes it. so he's interested in meeting you up to design his upcoming stuff." wah! if i were to be given the chance to choose over sleeping or doing business with raymond, i'll choose the business. superstar dj, dude. but when i look over my katapult fliers, biasa saja. maybe he was high at that time? or maybe he was listening to a tune that suited the flier? i'm not sure myself. but i'm sure excited about it *jumping up & down.
tapi belum confirm lagi. pasal belum meeting pun. that saturday night he was tired from the session plus the europe tour. so you people better pray i get this job. pray hard, okay?
3 ulasan:
u will babe. tapi org gini otak tak center. asyik s***u je. betul ke tak tu? u better ask pakcik berzakar tu balik. hehe..zaskar lah! :D
hehehe..i say a little pray for you...muacks muacks..good luck n i hope u get it babe!
to nonoy: tu la die. ntah2 when he was looking at my flier tu, he was under some substance. but thanks for believing that i'm gonna get it.
to missy f: thanks for the pray. and the muacksmuacks :)
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