"a wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left."
aku rasa satu frasa yang agak bijak yang datang dari seorang blonde. oh my. adakah aku bersikap judgmental lagi? tsk-tsk-tsk. aah. favourite blonde si melayu minimalis pun pernah berkata-kata juga:
"every woman should have four pets in her life; a mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage, a tiger on her bed, a jackass who pays for everything."
4 ulasan:
nice pix dan quote yang menarik.
betol tu!
but ratio wise girl over not-so-wise girl?
and i used to belong in the majority. tak marilyn monroe la aku ni!
to marjerin: jonathan viner got some good stuff. check it out!
to mediocre sadist: haha! but to think of it, paris hilton punya quote cam lagi bagus.
hehe,i like marilyn s better cuz paris was oh well born freakin rich.
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