"you tak kisah ke if i have a girlfriend? you wouldn't mind if i still come and spend the night here?" in his grey boxer shorts, lying on the bed sideways dengan tangan kirinya menongkatkan kepala. jari di tangan kanannya bermain-main dengan jari manis si pendengar. she was staring at the clock on the wall, matanya mengekor gerak pusing jarum saat. dalam diam, dia mahu berhentikan saat itu. kalau boleh dibeli that moment, she would buy it. for keeps.
dia tarik nafas.
"i wouldn't mind. pasal aku sudah tidak ada hati. hanya nafsu," dia jawab sambil memandang melepasi jasad si penanya.
6 ulasan:
i wouldn't mind too:p
what a small world.i dah abis menyorok dah nih
on the contrary, i think i takde nafsu, just to fill unfulfilling relationship with some cuddles from some other guy secretly. friends told me, sarah, that is so obviously nafsu.
i stick to the unfulfilling relationship. you may have the perfect the most likeable guy that is so get the approval from your family in which you intend to keep because you may not find something like that anywhere and have some tiny little bit of cuddle from other guy who you never want to date who don't want to date you too or maybe want but you are taken, and still feel normal about it.
although guilty a bit.
need both at the moment. nafsu can break hearts. r/ship is just too crowded when they are more than two people around. thank god i still have the guy. but i do want to cuddle more guys. just that. cruel.cruel.cruel bitch. tapi trust me, the reason is not nafsu.
tapi kemahuan, isn't it a part of nafsu?
ok. what u did?!
i didn't do anything. it's all fictions.
it's not nafsu 'nafsu' lah. macam gila seks. more or less need to fill up something yang tak complete. tapi tak nak new relationship. cool with cuddles though. shhh. itak rasa sudah berapa terbongkar, but suddenly so many things happen that make me reaize somebody knows and he wants to make me feel loved so something unexpected happen which is getting some sort of engagement proposal. you can't say no to somebody that loves you so much. not in the mean time though.
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