Rabu, Disember 24

perasaan sebatang pear-shaped tree yang tidak sedar dirinya sebatang pear-shaped tree

salah kah kalau kau berdegil untuk stand up for what you believe in, whether sebenarnya kau ada alternatif lain to ease things out? macam kau tidak akan makan nasi kerabu for it's bluish colour tapi kawan kau sudah pun terbelikan untuk kau for breakfast and everybody else have eaten their breakfast meal. you have to be nice and give in and repeat dalam kepala kau yang it's not really that bad, eating blue coloured rice, kan? that's human, kan?

jadi kalau aku decide that i can't/won't date very skinny, very fair guys or slightly shorter than i am, that's like, choosy sangat, kan? i mean, i bet dalam hati sesiapa yang kenal aku would say, "babe, cermin diri dulu, boleh tak?"

beggars can't be choosers.

but i can't be walking next to a very skinny boyfriend. i'll look bigger and i guess there'll be this question inside passers-by minds, "man, how did he survive this girl???". i'll prolly look like a drag. dan ada kemungkinan untuk aku break him. and not the very fair one because i'll look damn dark next to his porcelain skin. dan kalau cerah sangat macam lifeless, kan? no offense, okay but i think i'd prefer a werewolf than a vampire. iya lah, kalau kita ikut the saga by Stephenie Meyer. Edward Cullen macam reserved sangat, no fun. and a shorter boyfriend? duh. i guess it means no heels what-so-ever. like, out of respect, maybe?

now i sound very, very shallow, don't i? Tuhan pun sukakan benda yang cantik so why not us humans yang way too vulnerable? aku tidak kisah sangat being shallow pasal i bet there are thousands out there who're not interested (maybe loathe) curly hair-dark skin-fat people. haha. dan aku jadi macam tidak tenteram kalau ada kawan yang cuba sedaya-upaya untuk match-make-kan aku. dan aku rasa adalah sesuatu yang so out of this world if anybody's even have the slightest interest in me. jadi aku macam skeptical kalau anybody showed any interest, even if it's the guy that i'm so keen about.

ada satu hari aku macam rasa pandai sangat flirt. ada satu hari aku fikir, "weih. who am i kidding?!" and then suka sangat fall for those who're taken. either that or yang memang tidak tahu pun yang aku wujud. okay lah, mungkin dia ada perasan sebatang pokok besar yang curiously kalau dilihat from the corner of his eyes macam seorang perempuan yang tidak attractive. iya lah, pokok, kan...

teruk sangat ke kalau aku terlalu interested in tanned or darker skin guys and taller at least 2" than i am? and not skinny pasal aku ada habit suka peluk makhluk yang disayangi dari belakang plus aku suka cari sedikit comfort to calm me down from a hug.

beggars can't be choosers...beggars can't be choosers...beggars can't be choosers...

6 ulasan:

sarahistheone berkata...

ahahaha, sape nak match-make you ni?

alahai, deep down ramai orang memilih (i rasa semua kot) and the quality yang you said can't be shorter, thinner, or putih is make sense lah. because in the end, us girls kena nampak better sebelah them kan? mestilah!

i rasa yang kurang make sense if orang nak partner mesti super gorgeous, super handsome and they terlepas pandang quality lain yang lebih penting untuk buat r/ship tu works, you get what i mean kan?

and having said this, i pun tak suka lelaki pendek for me. and i fucking loathe lelaki putih but i end up dengan semua like that. putih tak putih, but definitely bukan tanned lah. ahahaha.

psst: kaler maybe leh adjust lah kalau tak cukup tan they can berjemur, tapi yang kurang tinggi, erm, hmm hmm. i being honest habis ni.

a wife to her bestfriend & a mommy berkata...

suprise. suprise.

i always thought that u fancy skinny, fair little guy? huh.

[n] berkata...

I don't think it's a matter of being choosy pun.

I mean, takkan kot kita tak boleh choosy sikit? Takkan nak sapu semua yang datang depan mata (kalau ada pun lah)?

Oh, btw you're not being shallow but you're just being honest ;)

fictionita berkata...

tu la dia, sarah. i was brushing my teeth pagi tadi (apparently i do a lot of thinking while brushing my teeth) & i was thinking abt my friend sorang ni yg suka sgt match-make kan org. & kwn dia tu skinny & fair (tp tinggi la kan). hahaha!!! amboi! memilihnya! jadi andartu nanti baru padan muka i!


no. i've always like tanned guys & berbulu. REMEMBER??!!! hahaha! kemsalam skeettt!


nad, true! true! takkanlah nak sapu je anyone yg come-by kan? tapi kalau he's ready to spend his bulky RM notes in his pocket for MY shopping spree, no hal lah! tapi takat shopping spree je la kot...yg selebihnya i takuuuttt!

kitschkid berkata...

hmm but i think you're stunning, so you ain't no beggar!

and you know that i'd kill for that figure of yours and that hair and that seriously smooth complexion. and your boobs pun macam best je. haha!

fictionita berkata...

is there some kinda glow around my boobs that's invisible to me??? hmmm...

seriously smooth complexion? hahaha! confirm u tipsy time tu.