what was last saturday's date? 17? hmm...doesn't sound lucky to me but it was one hell of a lucky night for me. pasal aku menang cabutan bertuah (like, finally) dan aku dapat laptop. though it sings "is the best!" ada satu perkara aku tidak berapa berkenan dengannya. its name. and the logo. aku tidak suka dengan ketidak-sekataan. owh well, aku patut bersyukur. i took the laptop as a sign that i shall never give up in life, in the need to change how i live my life, to make it better dan juga berusaha to get a lifestyle yang memang aku inginkan once i'm over 50. if i ever get there. dan at least, sekarang aku boleh snap gambar cleavage baabanyak dan boleh habiskan Grey's Anatomy season III. my current laptop is in need of an upgrade service tapi malangnya sikap malas aku masih lingering around.
after the big gala dinner (well, it sure felt like it) i dropped by at one of my usual weekend hangouts to see Al who just came back from partying with dearest Franz Ferdinand in the land of the Maoris. aku maafkan dia pasal he got me the journal that i wanted. iya lah, konon mahu get organized for the new year. mungkin tahun ini aku akan menjadi a new person. perlu percaya. he also reminded of some incident that i did yang buat aku laughed out loud pasal kebodohan sendiri. kalau ada kawan-kawan Al yang sampai ke sini and know that band-guy, tell him i'm sorry i was gatal tangan mahu text him up. tell him aku ada masalah mental sikit, he'll understand and forgive me. he does look like that type of a nice guy. okay, so that night i only managed to find a new being for me to drool over, just to kill time. dan hari ini i've decided i've found my local James McAvoy, plus i'm now officially ahli setia the broken hearts' club. satu hari aku asyik tersengih just by imagining things i would do to him. aku rasa aku belum pernah stumble upon a local hot DJ like him. okay, aku tidak pasti sama ada Goldfish itu hot atau tidak, but he's nice to look at. that's my personal opinion.
so far, my weekend was good, apart from the flu and light headache. Anne managed to slip a question about a mistake i did some few weeks ago. i told her we're strangers now. i hope we won't stumble upon each other pasal aku rasa aku akan tergelak besar pasal pasti waktu itu aku akan teringatkan decision bodoh aku. you can't make things that happened, unhappen. greatest lesson learnt sempena berumur suku abad.
kemudian aku perlu percaya pada benda-benda positive. dan perlu ingat untuk selalu bersyukur dangan apa yang aku ada. kalau mahu lebih, boleh cuba dengan cara betul, bukan main kotor.
if you got it, flaunt it!
4 ulasan:
James McAvoy dalam Penelope, terbaik. Tergoda.
lu ahli setia kelab broken hearts?
gua join, nak daftar camne? hehe
ke ni skim MLM? hahaha
Kena isi borang ke kalau nak masuk kelab tu? ;D
yes. james mcavoy is the hotness of the season. don't forget to catch him in Becoming Jane :D
broken hearts' club ni tidak perlu isi borang. it's actually a themed party hosted every now & then at a local club :D
but i don't think MLM is a scheme...well, that depends on how the company works la kot.
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