sunday afternoon, hujan renyai-renyai. we were sitting on interesting-shaped stools, circling a small coffee table. ada pinggan-pinggan kosong dan gelas-gelas yang quarter-empty. a friend of mine who always look good in her vintage photos sedang bercerita tentang mimpinya yang ada aku. mimpi yang pelik pasal we're not that close pun. she said in the dream, we were doing shots of heroin at my place which looked like a really cool apartment and we did shots everywhere on our body. macam sick-lah her dream pasal aku tidak pernah ambil heroin pasal macam heavy sangat bunyinya. so anyway, after pouring us the details of her eerie dream, she asked:
"to die bitterly remembered or to die forgotten?"
dan dia kata dia mahu die forgotten dari diingati dengan perkara-perkara yang tidak best. kau rasa aku jawab yang mana satu? kalau kau?
1 ulasan:
to die forgotten.
apa guna being bitterly remembered
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