aku selalu ingat dia as the guy who was paired up with Erra Fazira to present an award and when he joked that he was the shoe in her Cinderella movie, Erra didn't get his joke. so the joke went to Erra instead. haha. again, aku tidak dapat mengelakkan diri dari attending the infamous thrash party di kelab artsy-fartsy in town. a girl with the cutest dimples said to me, "sarah was supposed to come tapi tak jadi last minute." owh. bummer. we'll bump into each other at the next party, okay? it's only April.
and then the four of us were seated di satu table with fancy chairs. aku dengan olive vintage dress, rasa macam Alice having her tea party. and then Lizzie asked Shoe to read my palm. dia ambil tangan kanan aku and put it in his left palm. he said, "owh! still a baby!" with a big grin. what? aku macam lost.
"apa benda ni? a baby???" i asked Mili.
"dia baca your jangka hayat. means you've got a long way to go."
now. am i supposed to be happy about that? so i said to Mili, "iyalah. means lagi banyak dosa la kot aku buat."
1 ulasan:
i like babies.
they're cute!
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