apa-apa jenis ship selain dari yang tertera di status Facebook adalah relationship miscellaneous. jadi, kalau kawan kau tanya, "korang ni apa sebenarnya?" untuk tidak menaikkan goosebumps by answering, "TTM, teman tapi mesra," kau jawab, "it's a miscellaneous relationship."
maybe bunyi lebih urban with percikan coolness.
4 ulasan:
I used to have that TTM shit but got tired of it, sebab memang memenatkan pun that kinda 'ship.
Anyways, "miscellanous r/ship" sounds cool although dah macam tongue twister nak sebut, hehe.
haha! tapi bunyi konon mcm important, like orang yg dengar will go, "woh..."
Miscellaneous relationship, how does it work? Interesting
it works in the most absurd way. side effect: vertigo & hallucinates.
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