Isnin, Julai 14
kalau hip hop kenapa berdalih?
dulu, ada satu masa, aku macam gila too phat. aku cuba recall the real reason of the sudden angin but my memory kan very dusty so i'm still clueless until this very minute. waktu itu, seingat aku they just launched the album, the one with a track called jezebelle. kau tahu, hari sabtu itu we had a gig di atas pejabat post. gig di mana line-up nya adalah band-band ska, ska punk (aku pun sudah lupa macam mana kami boleh berada di antara line-up band untuk itu hari) and para hadirin adalah abang-abang dan adik-adik berseluar ketat dan ber-but. crowd yang kami suka, of course. sambil menunggu giliran kami untuk naik stage yang berukuran 15cm, kau tahu aku ke mana? runner ke tower records to catch a glimpse of the hip hop duo. ha ha. aku lupa aku paksa siapa untuk snap a picture of me with too phat performing behind me. the outcome of the picture sangat kelakar. like, so me. and once, when we were in a car and i saw joe having a drink with his friends at a mamak stall, kau tahu aku buat apa? aku jadi excited. dan bila aku jadi excited, remote controller aku vanish. aku roll down the car window, i screamed "i love you, joe!". ha ha ha. i'm even having goosebumps while typing this. kepada pembaca yang might know joe personally, jangan mengada mahu beritahu dia tentang entry yang ini kalau mahu hidup lama. waktu awal-awal when i decided to go crazy on them, i thought to myself that i had to choose at least one of them to drool on. i couldn't really set my mind because aha! now i remember why i was into too phat, it was their songs. bukan sebab malique or joe but it was their talents that got me hooked. how they managed to rhyme good words. aku rasa aku cuma terima too phat saja as our local hip hop group. aku belum pernah bagi peluang pada ahli fiqir atau group yang lain. but i do think that cat fabouloso writes good music. ha ha. yang ini aku jujur okay, anne. bukan just because. since 10am today, until now, i've been repeating songs from malique's double cd. mantera beradu featuring m. nasir got me hooked. i like how his voice goes with the song, sangat mistik. aku excited, jadi aku beri colleagues aku check out the song. i got good feedbacks tapi yang seorang ini, komen dia buat aku emo. ha ha. he questioned kenapa malique macam poyo preach-rapping, yang hardcore rap tak ada ke? habis itu kau mahu ke kokokaina menyanyi nasyid? bukan bulu dia pun, kan? ha ha. he said something about malique not being original (kau yang punya was originally sang by the roots featuring erykah badu). eleh. nobody is really original pun nowadays. so i questioned him back: why is it okay with international artists to cover old songs? why is it okay for them to sound like other bands but it's not okay for our local bands? he replied with they did it with style. well, i think ada antara pemuzik local mainstream mahupun independent yang did it with style too. ugh. sebenarnya aku naik jelak dengan lagu madonna - 4 minutes and mariah's touch my body. aku rasa lagu mereka masuk chart pun pasal just because. or maybe because mariah ada big jiggly-wiggly boobs. ke bukan bulu aku, mungkin? so i told my colleague that his band prolly sounds like some other bands too. see? nobody's original. innovative maybe. siapalah kita kalau mahu dibandingkan dengan mereka yang sudah berkecimpung dalam industri muzik sejak azali lagi. and about m. nasir criticizing urban music, mungkin waktu itu dia masih belum matang. kira baguslah waktu itu dia menegakkan apa yang dia percaya. but people actually do change, kan? macam aku, benci skateboarders, tapi the first guy that i had a serious crush on was a skateboarder and my first serious relationship was with a skateboarder. tapi in the end aku stick juga dengan perasaan aku. kebencian. entah. aku macam tidak dapat elak dari being judgmental like that. no offense but i've got some personal experiences. aah. tak mahu lari topik lah.
anyway, you guys should give malique's ok album a chance. owh yeah. that colleague of mine, when he listened to both cds, actually likes most of the songs.

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9 ulasan:
hahahah..after reading it..tetiba rase mcm flash back time aku form 2 dulu2..too phat was the in thing time tu hahah.....walopon skarang the music scene is different more towards the indie band..tapi betul kate ko kalu hiphop kenape berdalih =P
hey, love your graphic banner atas tu, (but hate the quote though) ;)
to tanpa nama: yezzir!
to irondanwine: haha. thanks. but why hate the quote? it's the truth anyway, kan?
malique is not bad. but i like joe's flow better. hope his album will not disappoint though
to pasembur: yeah. mari kita nantikan album dari the so-called jay-z malaysia!
dush!!(ikon tougeh) dush!!ikon tougeh) dush!!ikon tougeh)...feng tau masih dikalbuku.
to donnie: aku ingatkan kau gila dangdut?
oh! dia memang berbakat saya suka lirik yang puitis.. mengindahkan satu bentuk kata yang wujud..
aku tak kenal pon tuan punya blog ni..juz random searching ulasan lirik lagu ni. bile bc entry ni. secara tetiba aku pon tingat tempat around form3 form4 dl.mengikut jer muzik da layan punk,skin..da anti hip hop pantang jumpe tau nak gaduh jer..sebab otai cakap hip hop ngan skin memang bergaduh..aku pon bergaduhla bodo2..buta2 dapat sakit..wtf i'am that day..hahaha..nowaday da ilang sume tu..aku jadi respek kat too phat..but for owner blog ni..aku rase lirik ahli fiqr pon da ok gak ape..tp tatau la kot ko tak terbuka ati g..but tryla hayati lirik diorg k..ciau
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