"why are you looking down?" aku cerita yang aku cemburu.
"kenapa kena selalu dia???" oops. al macam marah dan kemudian dia kata yang dia mahu aku happy. that i should spend more time with him and the others. aku sengih. gotta fake it, innit? hari yang esoknya, aku nampak dia depan mata, aku nampak sesuatu yang sudah biasa tapi malangnya aku nampak situasi itu; macam mimpi and that person, she looked nothing like me. part yang itu, rasa asing, bukan biasa lagi. and it was raining, supplying the best prop for the scene. kena dengan mood. jadi aku cari teman bicara. it's been a while since i met tashe, so i steered my way to bijou bazaar.
"do you still have feelings for him?" i asked about her past while flipping through the second-hand tops. tashe nodded.
"you?" erm...
"i guess ye la kot since you're jealous, right?" tashe was holding the two white tops she was contemplating on buying. i shrugged.
"i guess so."
it was good having that session with her. by evening, i was more excited on putting the cd i just bought on the car's player rather than thinking pathetically on what i wanted in the first place. satu quote yang aku simpan elok-elok in my mind, putting it nicely next to 'the least you can do is wash the dishes', adalah ayat yang keluar dari mulut tashe: you can never win everything. i want an affectionate partner, who won't have problems with PDAs and i need someone who i can converse with. aku akan tunggu satu hari itu datang dan lihat mana satu yang aku dapat genggam. you know, i hate her, that crop-top bitch tapi bersyukur aku kerana aku masih punya hati. somehow aku tidak langsung menyumpah their relationship pasal in the first place, siapa cari pasal dulu? siapa yang tidak tahan menjadi bodoh untuk kali yang ke berapa pun aku sudah lupa? siapa yang tidak mahu jadi sakit jiwa memikirkan benda yang sama berulang kali? life is fair pun. kalau yang sedang terjadi itu salah, karma akan datang. esok ke, minggu depan ke, lima tahun lagi ke, we don't know. aku percaya karma. mungkin my good karma will come smiling at me nanti. come to think of it, the weekend wasn't that bad. after all, i had john. j as dessert.
by the way, i dropped roti's cd and bought malique's instead. okay is good lah, for now.
2 ulasan:
hey what's ur email address? nak add gtalk.
i think i've invited you. ledisordre@gmail.com, right?
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