Khamis, Februari 4

siri mimpi: don't give up on the dream

mimpi ini aku ingat, tahun lepas. i was standing behind a big crowd in the middle of a field. it was a familiar place; KL PAC di Sentul. ada lagu blaring from some giant speakers. it was a really big crowd but somehow i got through it. ada juga muka-muka yang tidak puas hati tapi aku tolak tepi pasal sewaktu aku berlari ke depan, hati aku macam berdebar-debar. then, i got to the front of the stage. atas stage, ada Placebo. terus aku menangis and i shouted, "kenapa takde orang bagitau aku Placebo datang KL???!!!"

thanks Fat Boys kerana bakal merealisasikan mimpi aku. i'll figure out a way to get to Molko, get his hands and kiss it. I.DON'T.CARE.

5 ulasan:

[n] berkata...

Tapi if you checked on the official website, takda pon dia letak Spore as one of their tour destination? :((

fictionita berkata...

kan?! i pun ada check juga. sekarang musykil. double :((

[n] berkata...

i baru je check site diaorg balik ni & guess what? spore dah listed! weehoo!

eh tapi dgr cerita, diaorg nak turun kl. u ada dgr?

fictionita berkata...

haha! ye saya tahu mereka dtg sini. my friend jadi opening act. but the opening acts punya line-up macam funny sikit...

[n] berkata...

2 minggu lagi! woopeedeedoo! kenapa opening act funny? siapa opening act? dapat lah diaorg bermesra dgn brian molko & the gang! jelesnya! :(