Jumaat, Februari 22

bunuh diri kejap lagi

what do you do when the person that you've been writing about found your writings?

pergi bunuh diri.

i don't express my emotions, feelings, openly. most of the time, aku simpan dalam-dalam di hujung lubuk hati. instead, i write about them. these writings posted on senandung konspirasi are the stuff hidden in the cemented bricks of my walls. kalau kamu pecahkannya, nescaya kamu akan ketemukan cebisan-cebisan perkataan-perkataan ini. some lucky colleagues of mine found this blog. "kau macam dalam dunia kau sendiri. macam alam lain." memanglah. pasal aku tak berminat sangat menulis pasal orang lain. i'm selfish and ignorant remember? and this IS a self-centered blog. that's why i was never in your politic shits. owh. excuse my language. well, i do get involved in my own self-politics but please, just leave me as i am. i'm fine like this. we are fine like this, right? i tried to write stuff in general but i just can't help myself from writing about emotions. dah sudah. jadi online diary pula. i'm really curious why the SDN blogger link his blog to mine. macam segan pun ada sebab blog aku terlalu self-centered, it's nauseating. hmm....maybe he thinks my blog's a joke. ah. assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups. ayat yang selalu aku ulang tapi masih juga went against it. but oh well, i'll write still. and i'm not planning to delete any entries or make this a private blog. leceh lah. i guess it's okay for that particular person to read what i think about him. or her.

this blog is as honest as i can be.

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