steve aoki, yang kerap kali memanjat, bergayut atas DJ counter dan kemudian buat terjunan berani-diraba malam minggu lalu, buat aku rindu pada rage against the machine. zaman aku masih budak hingusan. when i was small, i had this favourite past-time (unfavourable by along) which is to go around his stuff. what was i supposed to do, he was the only one around i can look up to (for my age at that time). among his old cassettes, i found RATM, koRn and spawn's soundtrack very intriguing. the next week he brought home a cd and called me up to his room. "listen to this. cuba teka siapa." a familiar voice blared out of his desktop machine's speakers. "incubus eh?" i recognized boyd's voice from my favourite track on spawn's album. and s.c.i.e.n.c.e. became the album yang aku agung-agungkan. ye la. budak hingusan remember?aku semacam teruja dengan sound yang heavy begitu. aku naik excited bila along came home with Family Value's video tape (circa 97-98). and that's where i learned about limp bizkit, sevendust, coal chamber, rammstein, orgy, deftones dan yang seangkatan lain. i turned from blur, oasis to american music. owh. dan hanya selepas band-band nu metal ini, baru aku tahu pasal nirvana yang digembar-gemburkan rakan sekelas aku. lembab, aku tahu. lucu, aku teringat waktu aku cuba menerangkan the different sound between american rock and brit rock to mili, my younger sister. entah faham ke tidak budak kecil itu. but she was the reason why i was standing there, with the tank top anne bought for me from phuket, watching steve aoki's hair flew all over his face. that black circuit sponsored event, aku nyaris ketinggalan atas beberapa perkara yang tidak sepatutnya berlaku. you see, last week, ada semacam kuasa asing yang cuba untuk menjatuhkan self-esteem aku. lepas satu, satu aku diuji. i cried for a few consecutive days. semua yang disimpan dalam-dalam keluar melimpah. tentang seorang bekas kekasih, tentang seorang kawan, tentang perasaan-perasaan semalam. semuanya ada kaitan dengan cemburu. nah. "inilah padahnya asyik disimpan perasaan tu." aku keluh pada yang sudi mendengar. i know that i'll be frustrated, but i keep coming back for more. dan kawan, bukankah sesungguhnya you should understand my emotional situation? i didn't want to tell her straight because i'd so much like to avoid scenes. pasal aku pun sendiri tahu, 'heart and i are not together anymore, so he's a free bird. "kau tengok? why do you still have to care when they don't even care about your feelings?" anne membebel ada aku. terasa diri macam bodoh sangat. tapi perasaan, anne. bak kata faalifyazai, jiwa ini bukanlah kalis peluru. dah lah. i think i should just move forward, jangan ditoleh belakang lagi kerana aku tahu, if i do turn around, even just for a peek, i know i'll come running back for those heartache moments. aku pun hanyalah setakat "kawan yang baik sangat."
the only good thing that happened to me, was john. the sweetest thing that has ever happened to me. so far. we went for a drive and as i had my laptop with me, we came with this crazy idea: the science of sleep, in a car, some petrol station, 4.30am. i was amazed how john actually watched the movie until the credits came up. the guy that i have the hots for, actually paid attention to my favourite movie. kalau aku ada time-machine macam dalam movie tu, aku akan rewind that movie session for it was the best movie date i've ever had. seriously, if you were to ask me, i really don't know how to be your close friend. because the feelings i have for you is more than that. so you did a mural for me. john, entry tentang kamu, menang banyak kerusi di senandung konspirasi. does that answer your question?
haih. but why do i always fall for sweethearts? the type where girls are so easy to fall for. oh no. not the same thing all over again?
6 ulasan:
fa, macam aku cakapkan di sesi campfire kita semalam(haha), masa lampau tu wujud untuk kita jadikan pedoman, untuk jadikan kita matang. yang baik, yang buruk. dua-dua. here's a situation:
katakan minggu lepas aku accident, dan patah kaki dilanggar motor. kalau aku pusing balik masa dan ubah keadaan tu agar tak dilanggar motor,mungkin aku akan dilanggar kereta pulak. get my point? :) kalau jiwa tak kalis peluru, minda kalis peluru kan ada?
dah lama aku tak dgr 'absent' snot tu.fav song tu :D harap2 ko dapat menang banyak kerusi jugak di hati john.
yeah. i've always put that in mind. walaumacamana cara sekali pun, benda tu akan jadi juga. tapi aku degil. masih mahu tekan butang 'rewind'. hehe. hmmm..aku mcm tak pandai sgt main politik. tgklah menang banyak ke tak :)
aku pun suka rage!
to xumb: mana lah perginya tom morello. sayangnya skill dia tu dibazirkan begitu saja...
ek ele, ade la! kan dorang reunite last year? tgh tour ni. bln lps men kat bigdayout lagi! nyesal gile tak pegi!
really?! the last i heard about him was that tom morello buat solo show or something like that and de la rocha is working on his solo album
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