have you ever felt this rage inside where you feel like punching that someone in the face? kick his/her head? step continuously on his/her chest? take a hammer and smash his/her head? using coin to scratch his/her car? take the knife and slash him/her all over the body? and repeatedly punch him/her in the face until you can't even recognize them?
lepas tu kau rasa macam nak mencarut non-stop. sambil jerit sekuat hati.
lepas tu kau sambung doing the cruel things you were feeling just now.
sampai mati.
lepas tu kau basuh tangan with hygienic hand-wash soap.
head to your bed and you cry your whole heart out.
then you sleep for a week.
and when you wake up, everything looks, feels normal again.
i'm having these emotional distractions. owh Tuhan. bantu aku.
3 ulasan:
pergh! lagi ganas daripada aku! pernah lah rasa sekali-sekala, tapi tak sampai yg kau describe ni lah. http://pasembur.wordpress.com/2008/02/11/projek-2008ku-112/
it's an imagination. i do feel like killing someone, but secara abstrak.
wahhh..sangat takoott...tp kalau betul bole mcm tuh syiok gak kan..
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