Selasa, November 27
i have a date with the taj mahal
as i'm typing this entry, while on my left screen working on the frustrating heise ads, my heart is beating fast with butterflies in my tummy. at 11.35am (malaysian time) tomorrow, i'll be flying off to New Delhi for my eight-days India trip. though i only have a few rupees to spend, i'm really looking forward for snapping the sceneries. to my dear friends & whomever accidentally stumbled on to this post, please wish for my well-beings along the trip!
Jumaat, November 23
Selasa, November 20
cynical sudah ditanam awal-awal lagi
aku seorang yang selfish (bukan penjual ikan. tapi self-ish). apa yang penting buat aku, adalah orang-orang yang banyak mempengaruhi kitaran hidup aku: teman, kekasih hati. teman tapi mesra tidak tergolong. orang-orang yang penting buat aku, kadang-kadang very unlucky. sebab mereka terpaksa berhadapan dengan bahagian aku yang lebih ketara dari friendly, iaitu cynical. bukannya aku tak cuba, tapi aku cuba menahan diri dari menjadi seorang yang cynical & cold-hearted terhdap orang-orang yang penting buat aku. jenis orang-orang yang kalau hilang, hilanglah arah tuju aku. gone-lah tempat mengadu aku. aku selalu menyanjungi mereka yang disayangi ini. aku tak mahu mereka terluka dek kata-kata harsh aku. sesungguhnya, aku tidak pandai untuk berbicara dengan lembut. aku tak tahu selok-belok menjadi shrink yang berjaya. betul. aku sayang orang-orang penting ini. dan kamu, wahai orang-orang penting, aku minta diberikan sedikit ruang untuk aku yang kadang-kadang cynical ini. aku masih berusaha. aku cuba memahami kamu, menerima. do the vice-versa for me please?
ya. aku akan berbahasa melayu dalam bersenandung konspirasi. bila aku marah, sedih atau dalam apa jua bentuk emotionally distractions.
ya. aku akan berbahasa melayu dalam bersenandung konspirasi. bila aku marah, sedih atau dalam apa jua bentuk emotionally distractions.
Khamis, November 15
technology for the minimalist

this is my current phone since around september. we were browsing around at the mines shopping mall when my eyes caught it's slim white body, too small for a mobile phone. as i came closer, i mistakenly thought it was an mp3 player. weird because people don't trade in their mp3 players for phones. not here, that is. & i asked that lengchai, "what's that?" the lengchai told us the specifation. hmm...not bad, i thought. it's a well-known thing among my friends that i seemed to be attracted to weird unacceptable things. for instance, the love for proton's milk-carton-like juara. & my love for stylish gay guys. so the next day, i came back & brought home my lighter-like phone. because of it's small size, instead of inserting memory card, they provided a built-in memory of 1G. which is more than enough for me. the camera (believe it or not) is 1.3megapixels. as u can see from the design, it does remind us of iPod shuffle, no? & i guess that's samsung's version of it's 'walkman' phone. the point of my entry again, is, i'd like to get a new phone. uh-oh. not that the X830 is useless or not up to my standard (which i'm not fussy about), it's just that i'd like to get a phone with a better camera. like the E590. heee...very minimal, mind you.

the camera is 3.2megapixel & the body designed by a product & furniture designer, jasper morrison. the one i saw last night was with a promotion: rm699 + 1Gmmc. should i trade in my supercute phone with another that fits a minimalist like me?
Selasa, November 13
the apartment
ahaa....i've got so much free time that i can post as many entries per day as i want to. for this time around, i'd like to membebel about the current house i'm paying for. ok. just the room. & the bills.

this is just a diagram of the apartment where some friends & i are currently renting. it's in the south area of the city. there's me, elle & her beloved and danny. owh. & the notorious azuki. another owh. & danny's brother who like to lie down in the living hall once in a while. previously, before elle moved in, it was me & 'heart who stayed in their room. then some major relationship thing occurred & i decided we shouldn't live in the same house, let alone the same room anymore. but after a year, after the mega-drama, i moved back in the house only different room & just me. by this time around, 'heart finally understood why it's bad to be living together. lembab. i know. previously, danny had a roommate (who's now back in his exotic origin). they're both the perfect hip hop couple: skinny with the biggest shirt they could get their hands on. & apparently they're 'heart's friends. unfortunately, elle is not someone who can accept those baggy clothes. it kills her to see danny's roommate, nic walking around the house with his pants showing off the top of his butt cleavage. ahahahahha.... gila. but despite the different style/fashion beliefs, we somehow managed to connect with each other. but you know, living with very untidy boys can sometimes get to your nerves. nic often travels because he happens to be our national athlete for extreme games. everytime he comes back from wherever the competition was, he'd leave his enormous luggage in the living hall, until the next trip. how annoying is that? sometimes, danny's friends from Singapore would pay us a visit & apparently they like to come in packs. at that time, the house would be so crowded like some asrama pelarian. it annoys me too but since i'm that adjustable & i'm kind of friends with some of them, it wasn't a really big deal. but it was for elle & co. we've got so many visitors whom i guess were very generous because we let them stayed there for free, they'd leave some belongings when they went back home. e.g: t-shirts, pants, towels. we even still have a really big plastic bag of clothes which belongs to the previous tenant (danny's ex-girlfriend) that we're not sure of whether she stll wants it or not because sometimes after a few months, she'd come to take back what's hers, but not all of it. after a few months later she'll pop up suddenly asking for her fan lah, apa-apa lah. the house is a total mess that we don't even know where to start our cleaning session. in the end, semua malas & now we're moving out. senang kan?

this is just a diagram of the apartment where some friends & i are currently renting. it's in the south area of the city. there's me, elle & her beloved and danny. owh. & the notorious azuki. another owh. & danny's brother who like to lie down in the living hall once in a while. previously, before elle moved in, it was me & 'heart who stayed in their room. then some major relationship thing occurred & i decided we shouldn't live in the same house, let alone the same room anymore. but after a year, after the mega-drama, i moved back in the house only different room & just me. by this time around, 'heart finally understood why it's bad to be living together. lembab. i know. previously, danny had a roommate (who's now back in his exotic origin). they're both the perfect hip hop couple: skinny with the biggest shirt they could get their hands on. & apparently they're 'heart's friends. unfortunately, elle is not someone who can accept those baggy clothes. it kills her to see danny's roommate, nic walking around the house with his pants showing off the top of his butt cleavage. ahahahahha.... gila. but despite the different style/fashion beliefs, we somehow managed to connect with each other. but you know, living with very untidy boys can sometimes get to your nerves. nic often travels because he happens to be our national athlete for extreme games. everytime he comes back from wherever the competition was, he'd leave his enormous luggage in the living hall, until the next trip. how annoying is that? sometimes, danny's friends from Singapore would pay us a visit & apparently they like to come in packs. at that time, the house would be so crowded like some asrama pelarian. it annoys me too but since i'm that adjustable & i'm kind of friends with some of them, it wasn't a really big deal. but it was for elle & co. we've got so many visitors whom i guess were very generous because we let them stayed there for free, they'd leave some belongings when they went back home. e.g: t-shirts, pants, towels. we even still have a really big plastic bag of clothes which belongs to the previous tenant (danny's ex-girlfriend) that we're not sure of whether she stll wants it or not because sometimes after a few months, she'd come to take back what's hers, but not all of it. after a few months later she'll pop up suddenly asking for her fan lah, apa-apa lah. the house is a total mess that we don't even know where to start our cleaning session. in the end, semua malas & now we're moving out. senang kan?
nu shoes
tired of paintings on canvas shoes? i am. but not anymore! because NDEUR shoes are here to the rescue!! a colleague of mine gave me the link this morning & as i checked them out, my jaw dropped-it-like-it's-hot. ok. merepek. but you've got to love them ALL!!
i'm really excited about these nu' shoes!

Isnin, November 12
george doodle harrison

all out weekend
last weekend was an all-out-nightlife, thursday & friday included. thursday night we were hanging around everyone's favourite laundrette. friday, despite the drizzle and fever, we managed to run & hide at the loft. saturday, had some lapsap fun at our hiding place again. & sunday, the grand finale, the white man-made cave in the city for music that are even louder than love. had to go all out this weekend so that i wouldn't have to show my face again for the next several weekends. i'm currently saving up for india & it's taj mahal. friday night wasn't really a ball because before & after, it was cold war between me & 'heart. & sneaking out from him the next night was alright for me. it's not like as if i was going out with an affair or anything like that. well, yeah, u can say 'an affair WITH the dancefloor'. it was anne, mr. 17 & i, with our eyes raging around the club for hotshots. & we love the hairstylist!! & elm, he was wearing a t-shirt that turned me on: led zeppelin. anne who was really excited about her pussy-nipple-like cherry, got gangster's tongue trying to stuck it in her throat. EUW!! ICK!! ahahaha.....
Jumaat, November 9
mistaken identity
last night, at the ever famous thurday night hangout place, a funny thing happened. as i was just heading my way to anne's table outside the bar, a cute & petite girl saw me & from her facial expression, she was VERY glad she did. i couldn't avoid her so i dove into her strange yet familiar warmth. if only there was a video-cam somewhere recording what was happening. i'm very sure she could see the fake expression that was hanging on my face. she was unfamiliar to me. & since that was the first time it happened to me, i didn't know how to react. the fact that i have this short term memory lost disease, didn't help much. & what more, she was hanging out with a couple of friends (make it 8-10) which made me refused to hang around more than a second. it was creepy. to have some unfamiliar faces smiling at you is something. but to hug you like as if you've known each other for years? that's another weird thing. i hate the feeling. & i'm still wondering who that girl was. what if it turned out that she got herself the wrong person too???
love fairytales
and so, feist sang..
one, two, three, four, five, six, nine & ten.
money can't buy you back the love you had then.
one, two, three, four, five, six, nine & ten.
money can't buy you back the love you had then.
Rabu, November 7
t-shirts to voice out your thoughts
here's a couple of t-shirt design that i've submitted at threadless which didn't get chosen. & owh! how forgetful of me, i kept forgetting to personally print 'em.

Isnin, November 5
plastic mask
so you wanna know about what happened last friday night? do you? do you? it was a blast & i was crowned as the queen of the ball (because i got the answer for the scandinavian pop group who named themselves using the first letter in their names. guess who). i did wear the green sari but couldn't find a really glamorous peacock mask. the food was delicious; i was like the wolf ripping on the lambs. the prizes was nice, DVD players, MP3 players & a stereo set. my king was a darth vedder. haha. my colleagues came with all sorts of masks. anne had on a long white wig with a streak of black. i loved her mask. we had fun. too bad for those who thought it was troublesome to dress-up for only one night & missed it. 10:30pm, i rushed off to my last resort on a friday night, a 'trendy' club that sits smack in the middle of town. there have been rumors, about the club being over-rated & trendy & uncool anymore. but i'm still there because that's the only club with nice music, where you're allowed to wear just the wackiest thing ever & not be laughed at plus some familiar faces that i can smile to. so what if it's over-rated. aku tak peduli. kan? i don't really bother about what other unimportant people thinks. obviously they don't know me personally. i'm not really a party person, but that's the only club that can give me good vibes. & i saw elm. & again, he looked delicious. tee-hee.
Khamis, November 1
my team managed to finish our 11,000 dumrath microsites project last wednesday, when the given deadline's tomorrow. fast huh? yes. we are the factory labour of tomorrow. that's how we feel right now. discrimination to the eyes. anyways, since we've finished, done with the ever so boring templates of microsites, i continued working on my personal 2008 calendar. i'm kind of excited about it. the plan is to give these calendars to my close, favourite people. since it's my first, i don't think i should be selling it because i don't think anyone's interested in buying it anyway. here's a sneak preview:

so all you favourite people out there, will be PUSHED to take this calendar with a smile & hang it on your walls!
update: i'm done with the calendar. i'll print it once i get back from the india trip. yeay!

so all you favourite people out there, will be PUSHED to take this calendar with a smile & hang it on your walls!
update: i'm done with the calendar. i'll print it once i get back from the india trip. yeay!
still dreaming of that white wedding
"it'll be a white one. being a minimalist, i won't be wearing those draggy dresses. i'll have a minimal wedding by the beach. or in a garden. no songket-songket. just plain white kebaya with my favourite batik. & my groom will be wearing a white teluk belanga baju melayu. flowers for the occasion will be white orchids or lilies. & guess who'll be playing at my wedding? mocca!! all the way from bandung weih!! & if thay can't make it, white shoes & the couples' company will always be glad to fly over just to sing at my wedding. & then by night time we can joget lambak with force vomit!! yeay!!"
extracts from dreaming of a white wedding.
extracts from dreaming of a white wedding.
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