aksi bijak oleh ben donasco capulet sempena tiada kerja urgent di pejabat. tapi aku rasa macam pernah buat ini tag...
The Rules :
1. Each blogger must post these rules first.
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged, and to read your blog.
i've always wonder about other people's lives. like, maybe they lead a much fun, interesting and exciting life than mine. in the state that i am in, obviously i guess. i wonder what it feels like to be a teacher, a nurse, an engineer working on blue prints somewhere in japan, a housewife married to a rich guy or a dedicated fashion designer. pasal sekarang ini, setiap pagi, i have to drag my feet to the office. last night, i even thought of going back to petrosains and do those creative things and just mix around with different people everyday. kurang bosan sikit.
kadang-kadang aku judgmental. it's bad, you know. tapi jarang-jarang saja aku judgmental. and usually if were to be judgmental, memang betul pun aku patut berperasaan sebegitu. tapi aku ulang lagi sekali ya, jarang-jarang saja aku judgmental. mungkin tindakan hormon.
aku rasa aku selalu membuat keputusan playsafe. i'm paranoid of what may come in the future. langsung ini menunjukkan yang sebenarnya aku tidak mempunyai self-esteem yang tinggi. waktu final presentation di kolej, aku kena bang dengan lecturer yang tidak dikenali. aku keluar studio, i fucken cried, man. rasa macam loser. suatu perasaan yang agak tepat dengan situation, i guess. and also my current self.
i always put myself in other people's shoes. always try my best to treat them just like how i want to be treated. in that way, i can be a nicer person. itu perspektif pemikiran aku lah. okay. aku jadi begini pasal aku macam dah penat dengan manusia-manusia sial yang kurang ajar yang buat-buat tak nampak dengan kewujudan aku lantas lupa mahu respect hak aku. but at least i've become a better person. kan?
aku paling liat kalau mahu ke bank atau isi petrol kereta. dua perkara yang memang aku sangat, sangat malas untuk buat. aku pun tak tahu kenapa.
there are too many things going on inside my head. a part of it are ideas. jumbled-up ideas which i don't know how to express it. so in the end, i forgot about them. aku rasa aku ada simptom hangat-hangat tahi ayam. atau mungkin dasar pemalas saja.
aku bukan dari jenis spesis yang apa-aku-mahu-aku-akan-dapatkan. i'm whiny, you know. but at times i do remember to appreciate things. tapi tak cukup bagus kan kalau mahu hidup di kota durjana where everyone's practically running to just about everything?
i think i've fallen in love. and i'm worried. aku takut pasal aku semacam confident yang dia ada ciri-ciri to break my heart. betul. biasanya dalam hal-hal sebegini, my instinct is right. like, always. i don't really want to think of this so far as that but i couldn't help myself. pasal salah satu perkara yang menghantui aku adalah to be unloved.
these lucky eight people listed below HAVE TO attend to this tag:
robot s.a.
fa alif ya zai
sarah who got weird stuff running around inside her head
andrea fonseka
black jetta
if you don't do this, i think some unlucky stuff are gonna get ya! wooo!
4 ulasan:
#8 cool.
to eryzal z.: which part of #8?
salam singgah
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