*Untuk tidak menghilangkan feel lukisan asal, anda semua tak boleh tukar cara melukis. Kalau tag sebelom ni pakai mouse, stay with mouse. Kalau pakai pensel, maintain juge. Yang penting same care n medium. TQ :D
Sila lampirkan juga link image lukisan anda di bawah sebagai panduan mereka di masa hadapan..
Radin - turtle Starwars
bAdd - gajah Godfather
angel - ayam Honey
cikanum - itek zombie
senandung k - unfaithful
so i doodled a tyrannosaurus and named him gorgon. this is the scene from the movie unfaithful i referred to:

and this is the doodled scene where i inserted gorgon as a character in the movie:

get it? gorgon? PUAS HATI???
so yeah, i don't know if everyone else got tagged. because if i were to tag the other people, they have to be tagged first by drawing the animals (started by ben donasco capulet)
tapi tag kali ini memang macam haram. syabas, badd!
4 ulasan:
gorgon tu tgk awek die tido ngan orang laen
so it's not the italian guy who made diane kruger cheated on her husband. it's his GORGON. role paling penting dalam movie tu.
fa terrel graphic2 ni.. mmg lah cun. haih. bydaway, bila nak jumpa saya? saya ujung bulan dah fly high!
senandung to nonoy: alaa...lukis pakai windows paint tu pun boleh. hang nak fly gi mana??? omg! u got the job is it??? congratulations!!!
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