the apartment i'm currently staying with my colleague is 20 minutes drive to work, 30 minutes drive to the durjana city. it's a nice place with a 24-hour macdonald's and a mall nearby. the only problem with the apartment is that there's no disposal room on each floors so you have to bring down your garbage to the big dump downstairs. it's really uncomfortable if there's some other tenants sharing you the lift on the trip to the dump. and the parking space given to each houses; one parking space per house and ours is 6 floors below our apartment which makes the trip from our house to the parking space then the trip out to the guardhouse takes approximately 10 minutes. previously when the other colleague was still a housemate, i had to park my car outside of the apartment. i didn't rent any empty space because i couldn't find any suitable placing (plus aku memang malas/pelupa mahu cari pun). terbukti ramai juga penghuni apartment yang cheapskate pasal parking di luar memang selalu penuh. and knowing me who loves wandering around and coming home late, aku selalu ada masalah untuk cari parking space and ended up parking at the roundabout nearby. but since the other tenant left, i now takeover her parking space. tapi sebenarnya bukan itu yang aku mahu ceritakan di sini. the people living in vista PP are mostly families. well, it is a nice place with the swimming pool, grocery store, gym and some other facilities. foreigners pun ada. yang perangai peghak pun ada juga. (e.g "hai, nak pergi mana tu?" "ada phone number?") ya lah, bukan nak kata aku ini cantik-mati, but i just don't like it. itu encounters waktu aku parking di luar and i had to walk past the burger stall, guardhouse, swimming pool to get to the lift. aku rasa aku phobia dengan orang-orang yang tidak dikenali. ada ke penyakit macam itu? anyway, bukan itu juga yang sebenarnya aku mahu ceritakan di entri ini. aku sebenarnya mahu bercerita tentang leng chai yang aku discover about a week ago. hehe. from the parking space to the lift, i have to walk either a floor below or above the parking space floor. aku macam pelik sebab parking floor is 4A (and there is a 4th floor, of course) so i had to either go to 1st or 2nd floor to get the lift up.

usually, if lavid's around, we'll go to the 1st floor because both of us are too lazy to even climb the stairs. tapi selalunya, kalau aku seorang, i'll go to the 2nd floor sebab perjalanannya turun-naik. konon exercise sikit. harrram. haha. okay, berbalik kepada leng chai tadi. so you can imagine the joy i felt when i was walking on the 2nd floor towards the lift, walked past someone who was getting out of the house then tagged behind me to the lift (i still didn't know the gender of the follower) and then walked in to the same lift as mine, was a leng chai!
*mata bersinar dengan sinaran harapan. hahaha! at last i've found something interesting to look forward to everytime i come home now.
itu saja yang aku mahu cerita untuk hari ini.
owh. robot asmara will be performing with 3 other bands tonight at that laundry. come over and bring your dirty clothes along!
3 ulasan:
intro je dah amik 2/3.
tu la pasal...oh skang mila leh la pi lepak umah ko..
bila ada lengchai baru nak lepak umah? fine.
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