tapi aku jadi merepek pasal dipengaruhi oleh orang-orang yang merepek. and last night i turned to incubus's 'make yourself' to boost up my self-esteem. as selfish as i can be, most of the time i think about other people's sensitiveness. i was pissed yesterday because some people they're just fucken ignorant about what other people feels. macam minta kena tendang di kepala untuk menyedarkan sesuatu yang logik. kau tahu lagu robot asmara 'hati besi'? nah. i dedicate that song to you people out there. siapa yang makan cili, dia lah yang terasa pedasnya.
last night's outing was fun. i hung out with positive minded friends. robot asmara was really good that they got themselves another gig offer. i'm so proud of them. kamu semua boleh terbang melintasi laut china selatan. just believe, okay?
we were supposed to go for an island getaway this weekend tapi kalau kawan kau yang seorang kaki party, yang seorang penyanyi pop dan yang seorang lagi masih seorang intern yang confuse tentang kariernya, terpaksalah kau berwajah begini: -_- dan akhirnya sebulat suara bersetuju dengan plan si kaki party untuk mendaki bukit curam for it's long lost party, theme park and cool breeze. and the next day i have to drive mak to seremban for a wedding. memang perlu aku pakai sut supergirl tau! i'm thinking about this style for the cool breeze up there:

a note to the past, please just stay there. don't you dare come near me because i'm afraid i have to say this out:
aku semacam bahagia.
jangan kusutkan aku yang mudah kusut ini. jangan kejutkan aku di tengah malam buta untuk mengalami perasaan macam sial. jangan buat aku snap in front of innocent people lagi.
3 ulasan:
babester,comment ni takde kena mengena with ur entry ni.just that this is my email,in case u nak private kan lagi blog ni.hehe.thanks!
a note the past gak, DON'T U DARE TO COME NEAR HER, my pesanan lagi notable because i wrote it in capital & he should see my jelingan paling tajam "DON'T U DARE!".
just ignore the ignorant. they don't worth a cent.
to missy f: okie dokie :)
to robot s.a.: bertuah aku ada kawan yang ber-jelingan tajam. ngeh!
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