there were a bunch of us di hujung long beach, port yang selalu kami berjemur everytime we're on the island tapi ada lagi satu macam teluk kecil di sebalik batu-batu itu. dan walaupun tempat itu macam hanya di malysia, perasaan aku kata kami berada di phuket. we were playing with the waves. air biru laut(1) made us giggling, jumping around melayan waves after waves. suddenly ombak jadi besar and hit us hard. we started to hide behind those rocks. aku lihat ke arah laut yang terbentang luas. aku teringat tentang tsunami(2). buat aku gerun. dan suddenly it was night time and we were preparing ourselves for the beach club. ada beberapa buah kereta mewah(3) parked outside the club. funny pasal bukannya ada jalanraya pun atas pulau itu. i saw a girl yang mukanya macam mischa barton(4), wasted dengan satu kaki terkeluar dari tingkap kereta mewahnya. then i looked around and searched for mili(5). ada instinct cakap dia dengan lelaki tua(6) yang bekerja di salah satu beach clubs along the beach itu. i found her walking next to a man and she told me not to worry. the old guy, he wasn't friendly towards me because he knew i was going get mili away from him.
(1) some time before falling asleep, i was staring at the clear blue water of perhentian on my laptop.
(2) yesterday ben said something about this western people who are planning to drill a hole in the earth. for real. and he said maybe it's like a sign of dooms day. mestilah aku jadi takut.
(3) ada orang forward sms pada aku tentang perhimpunan MLM dengan kereta mewah mereka. aku macam jelek.
(4) girlfriend housemate aku sebelum ini muka dia iras mischa barton. aku tidak tipu. cuma dress up-nya tidak sesuai sikit.
(5) we were texting each other before i slept..
(6) she has fallen for a 40-year-old guy. married with kids.
kemudian aku terjaga dari tidur.
kami berempat(1) di dalam kereta, aku tidak pasti dari mana tapi jalan yang kami lalui sangat familiar. jalan kampung yang sedikit meriah than before. ada gerai-gerai menjual hasil cucuk-tanam dan produk desa di bahu jalan. aku teringat yang jalan itu adalah jalanraya di kampung negeri sembilan aku. sitting at the back of the car, aku toleh kiri dan nampak rumah arwah nenek(2). aku rindu jadi aku minta cikna(3) pull over so i can check that place out. jalan ke rumah nenek sangat curam so i climbed tanah merah yang dah dibentuk jadi tangga itu. it took me a while to get to the top. then i saw the kampung area was busy with people walking around. macam suasana yang kau tengok dalam filem p. ramlee cuma berwarna. i remember the colours of the dream were bright: yellow, orange, bright green, bright blue. aku rasa sangat rindu. macam sayu.
(1) the evening before we had berbuka puasa together. minus the other guy. the colleagues i used to take a ride with when we first started working in cyber.j.
(2) aku rindu awe (that's what we called her). i can't remember the lastnight we went to her grave.
(3) it was his birthday we celebrated the evening before.
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