Isnin, Mac 14

K untuk kerinduan, kesunyian dan hanya Okay.

I was shooting a scene in my new film, No Strings Attached, in which I say to Natalie Portman,

“If you miss me. you can’t text, you can’t email, you can’t post it on my Facebook wall. If you really miss me, you come and see me.” - Ashton Kutcher

Satu hari, a few months back, we were talking about dreams to be achieved by 30. perkara-perkara kenapa dan bagaimana. I remember after a friend voiced out an opinion, aku quote satu ayat dari buku yang aku sedang baca waktu itu, i think it was Sartre's The Age of Reason. Kemudian kawan aku tersengih sinis, katanya, "aku dah agak kau akan cakap something. why do we, humans have to quote others?" me thinking.

I have to say, aku memang seorang yang taksub quotes (movies/books). Cuma lately quotes tentang hope & love aku macam tidak gemar sangat. Bollocks. I guess we choose and stick to the quotes that express our feelings. Or maybe we let it decide for us. Okay, so that'll be my case because i'm always in denial like that. Dude, i totally stole that line from Grey's Anatomy and used it on someone dan outcome-nya sama dengan apa yang terjadi dalam that tv series; he didn't pick me.

my God, i lead a very funny life indeed.

But then i found this post, about Ashton Kutcher saying that maybe the person who invented mobile phone is a man indeed (lelaki paling malas mahu cakap telefon/reply sms, hadap whines dan drama jadi mereka lebih prefer text messages TAPI kalau depan mata, cepat betul mahu capai -_-"). Sooo true. I'm totally awed by this post, coming from Ashton Kutcher (never a fan of him).

After reading the article, guess what i did? I posted it on Facebook.

And then i went to see that very person i was missing so much. Wasn't a brilliant idea tapi aku rasa kalau aku tahan (*batuk kecil 'degil'), aku tidak akan puas hati. Macam ada hutang yang belum selesai, tak keruan. Walaupun masih ada tears tapi buat aku rasa life's not so bad after all. Though it's not forever (because nothing is forever; happiness, sadness) but it'll do for now. Once in a while, bila kau terlupa tentang ego, it can make you feel good. I know, i know, i've failed dalam mengeraskan hati. Memang aku tidak boleh jadi lelaki pasal aku selalu tidak sampai hati.

Teka-teki: masa berlalu dengan pantas; pejam-celik and you're an old fag. Tapi kenapa masa berlalu sangat perlahan dalam penantian?

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