Jumaat, Jun 6

motivational lah sangat

yesterday, i had the day off from work (tiada kerja pun, i should've done the same for today). here's the list of things i planned to do yesterday:

1. send my car to the workshop
2. find plain t-shirts for second design printing
3. print stickers
4. attend an interview in PJ
5. get bus tickets for the island getaway
6. get mili's flight ticket for the other island getaway

sending my car to the workshop was a must because these past few days i've been hearing weird noises coming out from the engine compartment (paranoid kereta rosak based on the flat tyre experience). after an hour at the workshop, supposedly fetch john.j and head to the place where plain coloured shirts are cheaper than some other places. instead he had to work on some artwork for al so we decided to meet up after my interview session at 2.30pm. so i went home, had lunch dan seperti biasa selepas makan, angin malas datang menghinggap. terusan aku lewat 30minit ke tempat temu duga. tidak mengapa sebab aku macam pandai bagi alasan yang bernas. it's the same post as i'm holding right now at the current company cuma kerjanya lain sedikit. the company is about making greeting cards for big corporate companies. the cards shown to me was beautiful. memang undeniably cantik versi korporat. di luar waktu itu, hujan lebat. and the interview suddenly changed into a one-on-one motivational talk. so the interviewer thought. i told him how every morning i dragged my feet to the office for the sake of money and i'm fed up because i've lost my passion somewhere and even totally forgotten what my passion was. he said: "from the moment i read the details you wrote here in this form, i know that you're not suitable working here." he reminded me about the price increment of petrol. he also reminded me that the payment i'm getting currently is quite high and the job is not as hectic as the other design industries. i told him how i so much wanted to study fashion when i finished school but abah wasn't too keen on the lifestyle (walhal lifestyle graphic designer pun macam lebih kurang juga) that he said i should try computer graphic. so i skipped the skill test his colleague has prepared. by the time the interview session ended, it was already 6pm and apparently the place where we're supposed to get the cheap t-shirts closes around that time. kedai print sticker itu pun sama. dan dalam kepala aku, seperti biasa mula calculate benda-benda tidak berfaedah yang kemudiannya menemui kesimpulan bahawa: i'm good at nothing. i don't have talents, i don't attend to my current job, my love life is floating without directions and i'm not sure where my family stands in my life. the things that i need are currently driving me right now. driving dengan malas. aku kekurangan fulfillments on the things that i want so things got out of hands. masalah ini hanya pada aku sebab aku memang disorganized macam ini pun. dan terlalu banyak berfikir perkara yang tidak berfaedah. i broke down and cried in front of john.j. merepek kan? mampus lah. bukannya teresak-esak pun. aku rasa semua pun tidak menjadi. pulang ke rumah, mak wanted me to come along to two weddings this weekend. bad timing pasal sekarang pemikiran aku terlalu pessimistic, i'm not in the mood to be pushed around and especially attending weddings. berjumpa orang-orang judgmental adalah perkara terakhir yang aku perlukan sekarang. ataupun tidak perlu langsung. anne, i'm sorry i snapped. mungkin hormon aku sedang bergelora.
esok, aku mahu pergi buat survey pasal dibayar rm100, kemudian hantar t-shirt ke mont kiara untuk di jual. kemudian aku mahu jumpa john.j because currently even if hati aku tidak tentu arah, akal aku kucar-kacir, whenever he's around, semua macam reda sedikit. dia macam ada banyak ion positif. aku amat perlukan yang itu. yang lain, nanti dulu. i'd like to have what i WANT, tomorrow.

11 ulasan:

miLLa berkata...

kuatkan semangat.
Tuhan menduga kita.
Satu hari nanti pasti ada yang baik menanti.
usaha..dan terus usaha..
hasilnya akan nampak juga..
Jangan cepat putus asa yah!

fictionita berkata...

saya macam penat, ok. fed up some more.

pop-up arcade berkata...

we are going through the quiet same thing, so i can relate..i cried a lot lately because i'm getting fed up with my life and my job and all the stupid problems that keep on bothering me...i guess i just have to get a grip and try to focus on what i REALLY want to do..maybe you should try that too..

Tanpa Nama berkata...

wake up boobie!

as long you got yourself and trust yourself, you will know how to live.


Tanpa Nama berkata...

try, try, and try!


good luck boobie.


fictionita berkata...

to tanpa nama: babi wan. & thanks.

to paint pastel princess: ya hor. i'm figuring that out. still thinking...thinking...haihh...still thinking. i don't know what i want. tsk.

Tanpa Nama berkata...


stop thinking, start acting!

p/s: nk tumpang jual tshirt kat urbanscapes bole? :P


fictionita berkata...

boleh. bayar sewa uh! it's all abt the money, dude!

eryzal zainal berkata...



ledisordre berkata...

buat survey dpt rm100? nak jugak!

fictionita berkata...

to eryzal: tak boleh tahan dah ni. -_-

to ledisordre: alaa, dah lambat la sayang. next time kalau ada org offer, i'll inform u, ok?