Isnin, Januari 5

rapatkan bibir ke telinga-ku dan bisikkan knowledge kau

i do not care what car you drive, where you live. if you know someone who knows someone who knows someone. if your clothes are this year's cutting edge. if your trust fund is unlimited. if you are A-list , B-list or never heard of your list. i only care about the words that flutter from your mind. they are the only thing you truly own. the only thing i will remember you by. i will not fall in love with your bones and skin. i will not fall in love with the places you have been. i will not fall in love with anything but the words that flutter from your extraordinary mind. - anonymous

6 ulasan:

sarahistheone berkata...

wow fa ni from a real person but told u anonymously ke? best ayatnye

[n] berkata...

Bunyi familiar.

Still, a very nice quote :)

Happy 2009 & happy belated birthday Fa!

fictionita berkata...

haha! fat chance la i nak jumpa dgn lelaki yg akan ckp sweet things to me.

it's just something forwarded to me. love it so much that i gatal tgn nak post abt it.


thanks, nad :D
a very merry happy new year to u, too!

Amin Ahmad berkata...

wow, great wisdom from those words.

irondanwine berkata...

that's good.

fictionita berkata...

eh. sweet? haha. that sounded like a bimbo.

NO WONDER takde org nak whisper INTELLIGENT things to me.
