Selasa, Februari 19


kita hanyalah sebuah mimpi.
tapi mimpi ini akan sentiasa tergantung di hati mewarnai ruang putih
kerana kamu, pada aku
adalah warna-warna yang buat aku terbang
kamu, adalah suatu ciptaan unik
aku, suka akan warna-warna yang kamu calit
pada hati yang dahulunya hanya berwarna konkrit
kamu, will forever be my colours

this is what john painted, from his heart. whether it's honesty or just being plain romantic, i'm gonna eat it. it's okay. i like the feeling of being an inspiration to someone getting back on his feet. the five stars stands for m-i-m-p-i (dream). the painting consist of multiple layers (if you see closely, you can see some drawings beneath the green). he asked me to snap a favourite angle. i chose a star. without me noticing it, when zoomed in, there are two dots. he asked what it meant. i shrugged. "maybe us?"

but then again, we're only dreams to each other.

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