Khamis, Februari 28

wildest dream. so far

last night, i had the wildest, most weird dream ever. well, so far. yesterday i had dinner at my mom' place: ikan patin masak tempoyak. mak's really good at cooking. duh. who doesn't like their mom's cooking anyway. so the dream started with me hanging out at a kampung kitchen with all my aunts kecoh-kecoh gosip sesama sendiri. i was sitting next to someone at the stairs, listening to their updates when mak teh suddenly asked a question to the person next to me. it was john. and the question that she asked made us kind of blush and i pulled him away from the situation. we went to the living room (it was a kampung house but unfamiliar to me) and my other cousins were there, watching t.v. then i woke up. i brought john to my kampung? haha. mungkin penangan masak tempoyak.
in the next dream-scene, i was standing naked somewhere and then i had an intercourse with a gay. i didn't look up to his face at first but when i did so, BOY. it was kas-kas. seorang gay yang cantik kalau jadi perempuan, sangat handsome kalau jadi lelaki tulen. he had always grab my attention. sigh. weirdly, it was kind of a full-force thing we did. then i woke up. i've never had a full session of an intercourse in a dream. sekali dengan gay daa... lastnight, before the sleep, i went and meet john and his friend and i remember talking about him being a gay (john). when we were driving back to their workplace, there was this transvestite waiting by the road and his thigh awed john. weird fetish that we just had to laugh and tease about.

but i did wash my feet before i go to bed lastnight. i wonder what went wrong.

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